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Sabtu, 16 Maret 2013

Meja-meja Dengan Design Unik

Hi,Selamat datang di blog Kliping kita. sobat kliping, hari ini kami akan memberikan informasi seputar Meja-meja Dengan Design Unik untuk kalian semua

Planter TableUnique table with removable planter that can hold variety of plants. 

House of Cards TableCreative table designed by Brazilian architect Mauricio Arruda.
iPhone TableCool table allows you to control an iPhone with a large touchscreen.
Fault Line TableOak wood table inspired by the tectonic fault that lies between the Pacific Plate and the North American Plate.
Loop TableUnique coffee table inspired by the spiral shape of roller coasters.
Nook TableCoffee table with integrated bookshelf designed by David Pickett.
Wine TableCoffee table where recycled wine bottles are used as table legs.
iPad TableSalsa table features seating for four people along with four iPads.
Aquarium TableBeautiful coffee table comes with large built in aquarium.
Library TableExhibi table has storage compartments for books and magazines.
Triangle TableOrea coffee table designed by Svilen Gamolov from Bulgari.

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Meja-meja Dengan Design Unik Rating: 4.5 Diposkan Oleh: admin
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